How To Delete Someone’s Instagram Account?

How To Delete Someone’s Instagram Account?

Our social media has become an integral part of our lives ever since its concept of it evolved. But many feel there are numerous reasons to deactivate Instagram and other social media accounts.

Many people find their social media feed time-consuming, and this realization is one primary reason why many deactivate their Instagram accounts permanently. Most people want to delete Instagram accounts because they get addicted to social media.

Deleting Instagram accounts will help detoxify from the addiction that anybody faces with their social media accounts. It seems even more challenging not to reach the point on how to delete our Instagram accounts but not put our phones down.

Social media addiction is mainly due to the feed we get on our phones. In return, the content we receive on our Instagram for entertainment or informative purposes does not allow us to concentrate on what matters.

Making your precious time count

People who say they delete Instagram off their phones do it because it does not permit them to do what they love or what is necessary for life. It could vary from a hobby to a professional work purpose.

A lot of times, it’s tough to navigate how to get rid of an account, especially regarding our social media accounts. Instagram is a social media platform most of us use for entertainment, personal or networking purposes.

And navigating how to delete an Instagram account or to only delete the Instagram account temporarily can be time-consuming and annoying to most of us who have busy lives. The temporary basis is for those who want to opt for a temporary detox from social media.

Following up on a decision- to temporarily disable an Instagram account

The people who want to delete Instagram accounts permanently should know that it will grant you your permanent detox and peace of mind. But suppose you work in the entertainment industry or need to expand to build your contacts(networking reasons), Instagram helps and will come back into your life.

Even if deleting their account is not the option they want to choose, you can always choose to temporarily disable your Instagram account. Going through the steps on how to deactivate Instagram will be helpful as it acts as a guide to get the process done quickly.

  • Log in to your Instagram profile.
  • In the bottom right corner, tap the profile option.
  • Then select the edit profile option.
  • Scroll down, and you will find the option to deactivate my account in the bottom right temporarily.
  • Specify your reason for your action(deactivating Instagram) and re-enter your password. Note: The option to deactivate your account appears after you select a reason from the menu and enter your password.
  • Choose the temporarily deactivate account option and confirm yes to complete the process.

How to Delete Someone Else's Instagram Account?

When someone close to you, like a friend or a loved one, has passed away, these steps to delete your Instagram account will help. But not everyone knows the password to their Instagram account.

So how to delete others’ Instagram accounts without password at hand? Why is it so necessary for us to permanently delete Instagram that belongs to someone else?

Report Instagram Account

As mentioned previously, Instagram is for various reasons such as entertainment, networking, etc. But many people misuse the platform to post offensive content or invade people’s private space by being obscene and showing horrible behavior.

Abuse and spam are two significant reasons why one must report such behavior to delete Instagram accounts. We checked out previously how to delete other Instagram accounts without password- now, we will check out how to get an Instagram account deleted by reporting it.

Most people report social media accounts on Instagram for offensive content because of safety concerns. Nobody would like to see content they don’t like, let alone their feed, with anyone saying things that don’t make sense or come under the categories of mean/rude.

A common query that Instagram gets is how many reports does it take to delete an Instagram account? Just like rules and law, there are guidelines to be followed, and here are problematic behaviors that lead to people wanting to know how to delete Instagram account 2022 and to report if you want an Instagram ID deleted:

  • Spam
  • Any nudity, sexual activity, porn.
  • Hate speech/symbols
  • Violence/dangerous organizations
  • Bullying/harassment
  • Selling unlawful/regulated goods
  • Intellectual property violations
  • Suicide/self-injury
  • Hurting sentiments(from religious to mental health issues)
  • Scams/fraud
  • False rumors

Deleting IG Accounts of Deceased People

Grieving a loved one’s loss or even a friend’s is personal, and many people find it hard to move on from lurking on their social media pages. So how to disable Instagram account of a deceased person because disabling their Instagram account will feel very personal?

If the social media platform does not know about your demise, then nothing happens to your accounts; they sit online. Until someone alerts them by giving proof of the demise by showing their death certificate, they will take further action to permanently delete Instagram belonging to the deceased.

How many reports does it take to delete someone's Instagram account?

The number of reports will not impact the taking down of the account- but the violation of the content on your feed plays a considerable role. Hence report and wait if they have not taken action to delete the Instagram account, then do it again and make your close friends, etc., do it too.

Make it a habit to report any abuse or spam content you see on your feed by chance. It will help when you report them to create a cleaner platform to gain a better digital life online; the more frequently this happens, a harasser’s accounts result- they delete Instagram accounts permanently.

How do you delete an old Instagram account without the password?

Many people don’t have access to an Instagram account, and getting into the Instagram account can be tricky. Here’s how to delete other’s Instagram accounts without password:

  • Open the Instagram application on your phone on the main page.
  • When you get the Instagram profile, now we have to report it.
  • You will find three dots on the top right corner to guide you to the report option.
  • Select the option that suits the inappropriate action.
  • The final step is to select the appropriate option based on the state of the Instagram account.

Instagram reviews the report and reacts in 1 to 3 days. If it is correct, take action against the account; make sure you did the reporting of the account correctly, or Instagram can’t proceed with deleting the Instagram account you require.

Will Instagram delete my account if someone reports it?

Suppose you post content or information under the category that offends people’s sentiments-the general public may report your account. If that goes in bulk, then action is most likely to be taken against your account.

Again, the number of reports does not matter, but the content you post does. Hence, if your posts go against Instagram’s guidelines, then the Instagram ID deletion is sure to happen.

How long does it take for Instagram to delete a reported account?

That said, the content is the priority; more than five reports will make their teams supervise and notice your account being cautious of what you post.

To top it off, they don’t just consider anybody’s report; they review the content thoroughly. Deleting Instagram accounts would reach when misused on the platform, and as long as you have not done that, you have nothing to worry about getting banned from the site.

How To Delete Instagram Account On Android?

Many people from the younger generation want to opt for healthier lifestyles to last longer; to disable your Instagram accounts seems like an intelligent solution. Yes, Instagram has benefits, but temporarily disabling your Instagram account is a wise work option.

But how to disable Instagram account temporarily is a foggy thought, and figuring out how to delete Instagram account on phone could be even more confusing. It’s as easy as navigating through the steps to delete Instagram account; the only difference is that we will temporarily disable our Instagram account.

Tap your profile picture and the profile option on the bottom right corner. Then tap Edit Profile. And scroll down, then tap the temporarily deactivate my account option to deactivate Instagram accounts.

How To Delete Instagram Account On iPhone?

Most people prefer to deactivate Instagram accounts due to not only taking a toll on their day-to-day life but for it being an obstacle to their self-esteem, etc. People gain anxiety and get self-conscious about themselves, to name a few things that temporary breaks are common nowadays.

“Let’s delete my Instagram account” is a thought all of us have gotten at some point regarding our digital lives and how to delete Instagram accounts on phones- especially regarding how an iPhone works differently compared to android. An iPhone functions slightly differently regarding how to delete an Instagram account.

To access your profile:

  • Tap your profile picture.
  • Go to your settings next.
  • Choose the account option, then pick the Delete account at the bottom.

How To Delete Instagram Account That I Can't Log Into

It’s best to find a way to log into an Instagram account you have no access to because of not having the password. The platform gives high privacy stakes of importance that it won’t give the account access to anybody close to the account holder either.

There is a way to delete another person’s account, but it is not guaranteed; you will need to log in to your account to request deletion. When they review it, since you still possess no login access, the possibility of the authorities to deactivate your Instagram account is slim.

A gist- How our lives evolved with social media

Time seems to sweep by for how busy we get with our lives. Whether or not our lives are happening, social media has become an integral part of our lives.

Often we wonder- how to delete our Instagram accounts to gain some temporary relief or by figuring out how to get an Instagram account deleted by reporting the behavior of specific accounts.

If a certain number of reports go to Instagram regarding the abuse/spam behavior, then the account would most probably be taken down, right? How many reports does it take to delete an Instagram account? It doesn’t matter as long as the content is genuinely problematic.

People get agitated with figuring out the process and the steps to delete Instagram account because navigating through it can be annoying. Most people want to quit Instagram and know how to delete Instagram account 2022 because the negativity spreading on the platform has become very Ad/sponsored, giving it a fake oversight.

Since this isn’t beneficial to most people and is time-consuming as well- how deleting an Instagram account is something that will help them concentrate on what is essential in their daily lives. To be able to delete Instagram account temporarily is also a choice you can make.

The settings vary regarding deactivating Instagram or how to deactivate it from your phone and computer. Hence the common thought of how to delete my Instagram account will vary on the device, and keep this in mind.


If someone is addicted to their phone, “Should I delete my Instagram account?” is a common thought. Because let’s face it- it isn’t an everyday activity that we know how to deactivate your Instagram account, and before deleting your account permanently- here are some parameters that you might want to look into:

  • Time-consuming
  • Social media addiction contributor
  • Toxic people online spreading negativity
  • Instagram turned into a shallow/self-obsessed platform
  • It contributes to anxiety, self-consciousness, low self-esteem, and many more mental health issues.
  • For brands/businesses, it is beneficial, but as a follower, you don’t gain much from these sites.

Now you know how to disable Instagram account. Whether you want to temporarily disable your Instagram account or not is a personal choice. To gain mental peace from your social feed- the steps and guide to it are mentioned above.

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